Billy Mitchell Perpetrating a Fraud at the Music City Multi Con on October 31, 2021

Описание к видео Billy Mitchell Perpetrating a Fraud at the Music City Multi Con on October 31, 2021

Jamey Pittman's excellent resource "The Pac-Man Dossier" can be found here:

The video excerpts of BM playing at the Music City Multi Con came from a video that was livestreamed on October 31, 2021 to Music City Multi Con's Facebook page. The following is the original link to that video before it was removed:

  / 410295287231519  

The screenshot showing one man missing came from News Channel 5's coverage of BM at the Music City Multi Con. That video can be found here:

   • World record holder Billy Mitchell ap...  

My entire perfect game of 3,297,180, which was completed on November 10, 2021, can be found here:

   • Perfect Pac-Man: 3,297,180 "fast mach...  

The following is a link to an abridged version of my game, from the beginning to the end of board 20 and then skipping to the end for the last few minutes:

   • Perfect Pac-Man : 3,297,180 (abridged)  

See also:

David Race logs perfect Pac-Man game at 16-Bit Bar + Arcade

Thank you,

David Race
(Fastest perfect Pac-Man)


I have reached out to those at News Channel 5 requesting a correction or retraction, but have received no reply. I also reached out to Music City Multi Con after a couple of my corrective posts were removed from their Facebook page.

The person who responded said, "I am not going to allow continued comments on the same subject on my event pages. One post was fine. More than that needs to be taken up with Billy. If you want to know Billy's official claim on the game or dispute any claim by Billy you can contact him directly."

That was in response to the following query about why my comments were removed:


I recently posted two comments on your Facebook page under a post which linked to News Channel 5 and their story on Multi Con and Billy Mitchell.

Both of my comments were apparently removed.

I was wondering if someone could let me know the reason, seeing that one of the comments was in response to the idea that Billy Mitchell beat Pac-Man at your event by getting a perfect score on Sunday, October 31, 2021. I pointed out that this wasn't true and that he missed that goal by 5,090 points, as can be seen in the video you posted of the last 15 minutes of Mr. Mitchell's game. It appears that video has also been removed. Was the reason for this because I also pointed out the truth in the comment section for that video?
(The video has been preserved)

The other comment was in response to your misinformed post about Mr. Mitchell's scores.

I would like to believe that those in charge of this event were simply duped by Mr. Mitchell, seeing he lied to News Channel 5, your staff and all the attendees who may have thought they witnessed an actual perfect score on an 'advanced' machine.

If this is the case, I can't help but wonder after being informed of his deception, why you wouldn't remedy the situation by simply posting a correction or censuring Mr. Mitchell?

If this isn't the case and you knew that his performance was not an actual perfect score, that would mean you were complicit in the fraud Mr. Mitchell was perpetrating.

I hope your reply reveals the former to be true.

I await your answer and response."

Here is my final reply:

"You are promoting Mr. Mitchell's purported achievement as if it was a perfect game, so you do bear some responsibility for what you have posted.

This isn't just a matter of who you wish to believe. The video, which was posted on your page, clearly shows a final score which was 5,090 points shy of a perfect game. It cannot be factually disputed.

Talking with Mr. Mitchell won't change that.

So I guess the question is, will you issue a correction or an apology for promoting the fraudulent claim of Mr. Mitchell?"

I have received nothing further from them.

I have also reached out to those over at the Broken Token podcast, but have yet to receive a response.


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