Writing test cases in excel | Software Testing

Описание к видео Writing test cases in excel | Software Testing

PROJECT NAME: Name of the project the test cases belong to
MODULE NAME: Name of the module the test cases belong to
REFERENCE DOCUMENT: Mention the path of the reference documents (if any such as Requirement Document, Test plan, Test Scenarios etc.,)
CREATED BY: Name of the Tester who created the test cases
DATE OF CREATION: When the test cases were created
REVIEWED BY: Name of the Tester who created the test cases
DATE OF REVIEW: When the test cases were reviewed
EXECUTED BY: Name of the Tester who executed the test case
DATE OF EXECUTION: When the test case was executed
TEST CASE ID: Each test case should be represented by a unique ID. It’s good practice to follow some naming convention for better understanding and discrimination purpose.
TEST SCENARIO: Test Scenario ID or title of the test scenario.
TEST CASE: Title of the test case
PRE-CONDITION: Conditions which needs to meet before executing the test case.
TEST STEPS: Mention all the test steps in detail and in the order how it could be executed.
TEST DATA: The data which could be used an input for the test cases.
EXPECTED RESULT: The result which we expect once the test cases were executed. It might be anything such as Home Page, Relevant screen, Error message etc.,
POST-CONDITION: Conditions which needs to achieve when the test case was successfully executed.
ACTUAL RESULT: The result which system shows once the test case was executed.
STATUS: If the actual and expected results are same, mention it as Passed. Else make it as Failed. If a test fails,

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