Losing Myself 失去自我 EP6 - Dealing with Emotions (Finale)

Описание к видео Losing Myself 失去自我 EP6 - Dealing with Emotions (Finale)

Plagued by depression, Lisa Chan has turned to self-harm and even thoughts of suicide. But her father stood by her through it all, as she worked her way to find the purpose to live. For more than a decade, Daryl Tan lives a life of high highs and low lows as he suffers from bipolar disorder. But a chance encounter brought him a connection that brings him solace in the delicate healing journey. 为了减轻心里无法承受的煎熬,陈丽莎试过自残、甚至一度企图放弃生命。19岁那年,陈丽莎患上抑郁症。虽然不善言辞,但陈丽莎的父亲却一直默默地守护在她左右,直到她重新找到活着的力量。在青春年少被诊断出患有躁郁症,陈拓列数十年里都一直在起伏不定的情绪中晃荡,直到他找到了一个可以抚平他内心海啸的避风港。


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