From Hating to Accepting to Loving His Uncertainty| Sathya Sai Satsang

Описание к видео From Hating to Accepting to Loving His Uncertainty| Sathya Sai Satsang

Swami says, "Love My Uncertainty." Far from it, we actually 'hate it' when things do not go as we want. It would be an evolution to move from hating God's uncertainty to at least accepting it before starting to love it. For that absolute faith is a must. Such faith helps us to overcome different kinds of uncertainties.

Going through the discourses of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, one might come across messages that seem contradictory to each other. There will surely be multiple reasons why Swami does that but one personal experience and one personal insight gave me clarity on atleast one reason why He does it.

The Avatar's words are enigmatic and they are wrapped in mystery because treasures are always hidden and never strewn in the open. An in-depth study and understanding of the life and teachings of Shirdi Baba as well as Sathya Sai Baba makes the unity between them amply clear. And for those that see and yet are unable to see (Pashyannapi Na Pashyati), there are experiences like that of Sai Sudha's grandmother that demonstrate this unity and raise goosebumps on the body. This is an experience of how Sri Sathya Sai Baba fulfilled a promise He had made decades earlier, in His Shirdi form, to a little girl.

Again, or most of us, a prayer often turns out to be a request for help. There are instances when God says 'Yes' to our prayers and gives us what we want. There are some other instances when God says 'Wait' to our prayers and gives something better than what we expected. But what if God says a flat 'No' on the face?

It is in this connection that I recall an episode which occurred on the 28th of July, 2010. This was the day when my God and best friend, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, gave a flat 'No' to a very 'reasonable' prayer that I made. What did that teach me? It taught me that when Swami says 'No', He gives us the very best!


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