Kids Art Project - Clay Gargoyle

Описание к видео Kids Art Project - Clay Gargoyle

I made this video for students in my art club although it is a great lesson for in class if we ever get back to in person learning. I started by just talking about gargoyles and their function. After a little introduction explaining about how gargoyles protect a building by channeling water away and essentially preventing erosion, I move into the lesson demonstrating how students can make their own sculptures inspired by gargoyles. We started with a pinch pot base, then pinch one of the walls to form a nose shape, press in eye sockets and decorate from there. I always encourage students to be creative and make over the top sort of cartoonish exaggerated features. They can be based on human features, animals or mythical creatures giving students a lot of freedom to be creative and put their own ideas and interests into the piece. This is an updated presentation of one of my oldest lessons that students consistently said was their favorite.


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