HOW TO READ A BOX SCORE - Baseball Basics

Описание к видео HOW TO READ A BOX SCORE - Baseball Basics

I break down what all the different sections of a box score are and what they can tell us about the game.

A quick apology here: I wanted to circle or highlight the parts of the video where I'm talking about specific letters, but it just would have taken way too long to figure out and the video never would have gone up. I'm hoping to have that sorted out for when I do the "How to watch a broadcast" version of this video.

Also, this might be accidental ASMR?

The shirt is from Breaking T (and it's only $5 because Zunino is no longer with the Mariners):


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Intro Music - "Ashley's Baseball Song" by Derek Helps
Baseball Basics Animation -


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Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with MLB in any way. I am but a lowly baseball writer. This channel is meant to help educate and inform baseball fans, and the views expressed in this video are not meant to represent the views and opinions of Major League Baseball or the Major League Baseball Players Association in any way. The information here is researched and presented by me, and any mistakes are entirely mine. Whenever I notice them, I duly make fun of myself for them in the process.


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