Hadia's Ultimate Oriental Belly Dance System

Описание к видео Hadia's Ultimate Oriental Belly Dance System

Oriental Belly Dance
Fun, Fast, Safe, and as SIMPLE as 1, 2, 3, 4!

Disc One: Based on medically proven therapeutic exercise principals, Hadia's revolutionary new warm-up routine guarantees a SAFE and STRESS-FREE start to your Dancing session. A dynamic combination of gentle and energetic exercises transform themselves into basic belly dance moves that have you actually dancing before you know it! Be sure to begin every dance session with your favourites!

Hadias 10-Point Alignment Check guarantees enhanced body awareness, grace, and effortless movement and dancing.

Disc Two: Takes you through easy-to-follow basic level steps and techniques, moves you into a series of combinations and sequences, and has you dancing an entire, irresistible and fun "Shabiyya" style Egyptian choreography in no time at all!

Disc Three: When you are ready for more, this disc will challenge you with more complex intermediate techniques, combinations, and sequences that once again culminate in a joyful and exuberant choreography to Hakim's "Telakik."

Disc Four: Begins with Hadia's Quick Warm-Up, for those days when there is not enough time for everything. This is followed by Hadia's easy-flow cool-down, based on her favourite Yoga, Pilates, and Jazz exercises that help you to "mobilize" the life back into your muscles and joints while you stretch and strengthen your way to ideal muscle balance.

Special thanks to my dear friend Jalilah Zamora and Piranha Music, my dear friend and student Natacha Atlas, Hossam Ramzy, Son of the Pharoh, Diane Randle, and all of my beloved students the world over for inspiring me to continue to grow and learn.

To order, go to www.hadia.com


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