Generous [Jareth/Sarah]

Описание к видео Generous [Jareth/Sarah]

After the latest page of Girls Next Door by Pika-la-Cynique on Deviantart, I had a sudden inspiration splurge I needed to get rid of.

Having the particular cover of this song linked in the update.. .Well, it came out pretty handy and I ended up using it.

If you're a Labyrinth/Phantom of the Opera fan, go and check it out, it's real fun!


The story is pretty much Sarah coming back to the real world after her adventures in the Labyrinth, but not having grown as a person in the end.

Her parents aren't happy with how stubborn Sarah is and they let her be examined to see if maybe something is wrong with her (she's just fine, just a bit childish still).

In the meanwhile, Jareth is miserable for having lost his possible heir and the girl he grew attached to. He tries to lure Sarah back towards him by means of her dreams. He gets out of the underground in a disguise and comes to meet her.

I didn't show her makin a decision because hey who knows what she picks, man. And I didn't feel like editing anymore. That also played a part. Ha.

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