Red Flags in Workers' Compensation Cases: How a case can go bad.

Описание к видео Red Flags in Workers' Compensation Cases: How a case can go bad.

Red Flags that can derail a work comp claim:

Hiring an attorney who makes unrealistic promises.
Not telling the truth.
Missing doctor appointments.
Not staying in contact with your lawyer.
Refusing to return to work.
Keeping secret about medical history.
Losing your cool while testifying.
Not checking in with your doctor.
Have outrageous expectations with your case.
Attorney shopping.

#NombergLawFirm #ALworkcomp #WorkComp #Lawyers #RedFlags

Lawyers Representing the Injured Men and Women of Alabama Since 1967.

If you have any questions or concerns about this issue or other issues on the law, please call the Nomberg Law Firm at 205-930-6900. Our website is
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Alabama State Bar, Rules of Professional conduct, Rule 7.2 (e), requires the following language in all attorney communications: No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.


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