Version 2.0 Penacony Official Trailer | If One Dreams At Midnight Special Program | Honkai Star Rail

Описание к видео Version 2.0 Penacony Official Trailer | If One Dreams At Midnight Special Program | Honkai Star Rail

#version2.0 #penacony #trailer #musicvideo #ifonedreamsatmidnight #specialprogram #english #livestream #blackswan #sparkle #misha #trailblaze #hsrnews #hoyocreators #honkaistarrail #hsrtrailer
Next stop, Penacony! The "Planet of Festivities" is finally within our reach in Version 2.0, as the Astral Express crew makes a fateful descent to the 4th major World bound by the Trailblazer's mission stories. Some characters were already teased and among them are Black Swan, Sparkle, Misha, Acheron, Aventurine, Gallagher, and many others. Penacony itself was also teased for a long while with many content features. Finally, we will get to see some action from Duke Inferno's children within the shadows. This is the official trailer taken from the Special Program Livestream for "If One Dreams At Midnight" recorded in HD quality and English VA.

This music video also features the new Theme Song for Penacony, showing both Trailblazer MC and Aventurine dancing to the bop.

TAGS: Version 2.0, Official, Trailer, Music Video, English, EN, If One Dreams At Midnight, Special Program, Livestream, Black Swan, Sparkle, Misha, Acheron, Penacony, Banner, Gameplay, Events, Hoyocreators, Hoyo Creators, HSRnews, HSRtrailer, Noxxis Gaming, Noxxis Star Rail, Honkai Star Rail


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