1 Step-by-Step Derivation of Shear Force & Bending Moment for a Beam with Concentrate Load.

Описание к видео 1 Step-by-Step Derivation of Shear Force & Bending Moment for a Beam with Concentrate Load.

In this video, we dive into the analysis of a simply supported beam with a point load at the mid-span, focusing on deriving and visualising the shear force and bending moment. We’ll walk through the setup, from drawing the free body diagram to calculating support reactions, and then step-by-step, we will derive the equations for shear force and bending moment along the beam.
You'll learn how to:
Set up the equilibrium equations for a supported beam.
Calculate support reactions for a point load at the centre.
Derive and draw the shear force diagram (SFD) showing changes across the beam
Derive and draw the bending moment diagram (BMD) with maximum moment at mid-span

Numerical:-Simply Supported Beam Point Load: Shear Force & Bending Moment Diagram Explained YuTube video link:-   • 2 Simply Supported Beam Point Load: S...  


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