HOW GOD PREPARE FOR US // David Yonggi Cho

Описание к видео HOW GOD PREPARE FOR US // David Yonggi Cho

The Israelites' Thirst in the Wilderness: After crossing the Red Sea, the Israelites wandered in the desert for three days without finding water. They were desperate, dehydrated, and started complaining to Moses.

Finding Bitter Water: The Israelites eventually found a pool of water, but it was bitter and undrinkable. They suffered even more after attempting to drink it.

Moses' Prayer: Instead of complaining like the Israelites, Moses prayed to God for a solution.

God's Solution: God had already prepared a solution by placing a tree near the pool. He instructed Moses to throw a branch from the tree into the water, which made the water sweet and drinkable.

Spiritual Lesson: Dr. Cho emphasizes that the real problem was spiritual, not circumstantial. The Israelites complained, but Moses sought God in prayer, and God provided a solution.

Application for the people of God: Dr. Cho encourages the audience to seek God in prayer when facing problems, believing that God has already prepared solutions for them.


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