Strong day at Little Black - Helicopter Rescue

Описание к видео Strong day at Little Black - Helicopter Rescue

A group of us showed up to fly Little Black for an evening session. A handful of guys launched at 4:00pm. A trickle of guys made there way up to launch later. It was a pretty spicy day with clouds marking the thermal tops and gusty winds reaching 15-20mph.

Neil had an accident. Below is the incident report prepared by Steve Rohrbaugh.
"Neil gave the ok to give updates and discuss.
He is in good hands now and was air lifted straight to the hospital.
Conditions were strong and Gusty. I flew out front away from the hill as I did not want to be close in.
My second to strongest thermal was late in the day @1k fpm up over the LZ. So there were some big fish out there with strongish gusting winds that shifted from NW to W.
I had landed just shortly before the incident and just saw the end of the incident.
Tony was thermaling with Neil just prior and saw a large portion of it.
There was also someone over in the park taking photos that happened to get some shots of the incident.
We don't have all the details collected yet. But it was clear that his wing had entered into a deep stall, rotated 45 to 90 and shot forward towards the hill. Then fell through high speed to the hill without enough altitude onto glider point trail about 1/2 way up.
Two hikers and Tom V were the first to get to him and called 911.
I was the 4th."

Hope to inspire discussion with the flying community on this accident. If you have constructive feed back please leave it in the comments.

Update: Neil had a broken back, broken pelvis, broken bones in his face and concussion.


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