MaGMML3 - Cable Woman 0 Jumps

Описание к видео MaGMML3 - Cable Woman 0 Jumps

A pretty difficult stage for this challenge, at least when you're trying to do it quickly. A lot of the movement in this stage involves precise Electro Cabling on one-tile high platforms. You need some pretty exacting positioning for almost every room or else you'll miss the side of the platform that you can Track Shoes up or hit the "magic pixel" that kills your Electro Cable. While doing the movement, you also have to be wary of any damage you might take. Not because you're in danger of dying (although sometimes you can be very low at the end), but because of the knockback. If you switch off of Electro Cable too soon after getting hit, you'll end up just falling down looking like an idiot without Track Shoes on.

The Yaffus in this stage are as annoying as ever. I kill them on screens where they would really get in the way of aiming Electro Cable right. Unfortunately, no weapon seems to be able to take them out as fast as I would like so I settle with taking some time loss for Tornado Blow and Thunder Beam to kill them. It just makes the rooms much easier.

Cable Woman is a kind of annoying fight. Water Shield is her main weakness. This deals 3 damage and also hits her through her invincibility when she does the ceiling cling attack. And not only does it hit her through the invincibility, it also ends that attack entirely. While her attacks can deal a lot of damage I find that you can consistently damage race her successfully. The annoyance is that when you can't jump to hit her during the ceiling cling attack, you have to rely on Water Shield's release to hit her. It's very easy to miss her with Water Shield's release if you're missing even one part of Water Shield. I've lost an embarrassing amount of runs to Water Shield just missing her completely. Common Water Shield L.

TimeLink and I discussed a bunch of ways on how best to approach the opener against Cable Woman. I think the best way would be to use Tornado Blow to deal 1 damage, then do the rest of the fight with Water Shield which does 3 damage. It ends up being the same amount of hits, but using Tornado Blow starts the chain of hits fastest. Unfortunately, despite some weapons being possible to hit her for 4 damage and thus lowering the amount of hits needed, all of those weapons (Break Dash, Techno Laser, and a fully charged shot) require you to charge for a bit which, to me, is just not worth the time when you can start the fight right away.

This run beats the previous 0 jump record, Yoshi2024's 5:55. For improvements, the Cable Woman fight could've gone a little better and I think a lot of the Electro Cable positioning could be faster. In particular, I think my strategy for the room with the fourth Token is way too slow. There's gotta be a faster way through.


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