Delineate - "Poison Sleep" (Official Audio Stream)

Описание к видео Delineate - "Poison Sleep" (Official Audio Stream)

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INSTAGRAM: @delineateofficial
TWITTER: @DelineateFL

My sleep is poison; a cancerous riddance of a toxic subconscious. Death to my projections. Skipping across the tops of clouds. Don't think too much, you'll forget when you wake up.
Sleepwalker, show me the way. How do you get by? Through my hands, so slowly, free my soul of worry. Cut me down when you feel the time is right.
My sleep is poison; a constant reminder of my indecisions. My bed's become a final resting place. How will I know my dreams won't be forever?
I hold my breath, but my eyes can't seem to close. Fuck.
Sleepwalker, show me the way. How do you get by? Through my hands, so slowly, free my soul of worry. Cut me down when you feel the time is right.


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