Converting the Fender Princeton to Adjustable Grid Bias

Описание к видео Converting the Fender Princeton to Adjustable Grid Bias

This video demonstrates how to convert Fender Princeton and Princeton Reverb amps to an adjustable grid-bias circuit very similar to that in the Deluxe Reverb. The original fixed-bias circuit is thoroughly explained, detailed circuit drawings of the conversion are presented, the conversion is performed on a 1966 Blackface PR, and its 6V6 output tubes are biased using the new adjustable circuit, with a sound check to demonstrate no ill effects to the tremolo. To top it all off, Rusty (even more energetic than usual) makes a couple of appearances.

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NOTE: I did not invent this conversion. It is based on information obtained from technical sites on the Internet, including EL34 World. I am only attempting to present this concept (in an easily understood fashion) to You Tube viewers. Here is a link:

Thanks for watching !!


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