湯水篇|野葛菜生魚湯 手術後不可以飲用?! (Eng Sub) - Rorippa Indica Blotched snakehead Soup Something U should Know!

Описание к видео 湯水篇|野葛菜生魚湯 手術後不可以飲用?! (Eng Sub) - Rorippa Indica Blotched snakehead Soup Something U should Know!

湯水篇|野葛菜生魚湯 手術後不可以飲用?! (Eng Sub) - Rorippa Indica Blotched snakehead Soup Something U should Know!

功效 :
Clear heat, detoxify, moisturize the lungs, relieving cough from heat, dry cough, soothe the throat, edema, dysuria, and reducing phlegm, invigorate the stomach and regulate qi, gum swollen and painful.

1. 貧血、血壓低,體質虛弱、女性經期中,坐月期,
2. 對生魚過敏者、手術後不宜立即飲生魚湯。
Not suitable:
1. Anemia, low blood pressure, weak physique, during menstrual period, Postpartum
2. People allergic to the Blotched snakehead, Don’t drink Blotched snakehead Soup after surgery.

烹調時間: 2 小時
Cooking Time: 2 hours

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  / 252677449565740  

材料 Ingredients: (3人 ppl)
2 札 (163g) 野葛菜 Rorippa Indica
1 條 (93g) 生魚 Blotched snakehead
2 塊 (72g) 豬脊骨 Pork back bone
3 片(pc) 薑片 Sliced ginger
1/3 角(pc) 陳皮 Tangerine Peel
1 粒(ea) 金絲蜜棗 Golden Candied Date
3公升(L) 清水 Water
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Music: "Ukulele" from bensound.com

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