黄龄 - 痒 | itch | yǎng

Описание к видео 黄龄 - 痒 | itch | yǎng

痒 | itch | yǎng
Lyricist: Meng Nan
Composer: Meng Nan
Arranger: An Dong
Singing: Huang Ling

tā shì yōu yōu yī mò xié yáng
她 是悠悠一抹斜阳
she's a long, sunny day

duō xiǎng duō xiǎng yǒu shuí dǒng dé xīn shǎng
多想多想 有谁懂得欣赏
think more think more, who knows how to appreciate

tā yǒu lán lán yī piàn yún chuāng
他 有蓝蓝一片云窗
he has a blue cloud window

zhī děng zhī děng yǒu rén yǔ zhī gòng xiǎng
只等只等 有人与之共享
just wait just wait someone to share with it

tā shì mián mián yī duàn yuè zhāng
她 是绵绵一段乐章
she is a piece of music

duō xiǎng yǒu shuí dǒng dé yín chàng
多 想有谁懂得吟唱
i wonder who knows how to sing

tā yǒu mǎn mǎn yī mù róu guāng
他 有满满一目柔光
his eyes are full of soft light

zhī děng zhī děng yǒu rén wéi zhī zhàn fàng
只等只等 有人为之绽放
just waiting for someone to bloom

lái ā kuài huó ā
来啊 快活啊
come on happy ah

fǎn zhèng yǒu dà bǎ shí guāng
i have so much time

lái ā ài qíng ā
来啊 爱情啊
come on love ah

fǎn zhèng yǒu dà bǎ yú wàng
there are a lot of foolishness

lái ā liú làng ā
来啊 流浪啊
come on vagabond

fǎn zhèng yǒu dà bǎ fāng xiàng
there are a lot of directions

lái ā zào zuò ā
来啊 造作啊
come on affected

fǎn zhèng yǒu dà bǎ fēng guāng
there's a lot of scenery

ā yǎng
啊 痒
ah itchy

dà dà fāng fāng ài shàng ài de biǎo xiàng
大大方方 爱上爱的表象
love the appearance of the love

yū yū huí huí mí shàng mèng de mèng làng
迂迂回回 迷上梦的孟浪
who is obsessed with dreams of impulsive

yuè huāng yuè xiǎng yuè huāng
越慌 越想 越慌
the more flustered and thought

yuè yǎng yuè sāo yuè yǎng
越痒 越搔 越痒
the more flustered and the more itch

āi ya āi ya āi ya
ai ya ai ya ai ya

āi ya āi ya āi ya
ai ya ai ya ai ya

āi ya āi ya āi ya
ai ya ai ya ai ya

tā shì yōu yōu yī mò xié yáng
她 是悠悠一抹斜阳
she's a long, sunny day

duō xiǎng duō xiǎng yǒu shuí dǒng dé xīn shǎng
多想多想 有谁懂得欣赏
think more think more, who knows how to appreciate

tā yǒu lán lán yī piàn yún chuāng
他 有蓝蓝一片云窗
he has a blue cloud window

zhī děng zhī děng yǒu rén yǔ zhī gòng xiǎng
只等只等 有人与之共享
just wait just wait someone to share with it

tā shì mián mián yī duàn yuè zhāng
她 是绵绵一段乐章
she is a piece of music

duō xiǎng yǒu shuí dǒng dé yín chàng
多 想有谁懂得吟唱
i wonder who knows how to sing

tā yǒu mǎn mǎn yī mù róu guāng
他 有满满一目柔光
his eyes are full of soft light

zhī děng zhī děng yǒu rén wéi zhī zhàn fàng
只等只等 有人为之绽放
just waiting for someone to bloom

lái ā kuài huó ā
来啊 快活啊
come on happy ah

fǎn zhèng yǒu dà bǎ shí guāng
i have so much time

lái ā ài qíng ā
来啊 爱情啊
come on love ah

fǎn zhèng yǒu dà bǎ yú wàng
there are a lot of foolishness

lái ā liú làng ā
来啊 流浪啊
come on vagabond

fǎn zhèng yǒu dà bǎ fāng xiàng
there are a lot of directions

lái ā zào zuò ā
来啊 造作啊
come on affected

fǎn zhèng yǒu dà bǎ fēng guāng
there's a lot of scenery

ā yǎng
啊 痒
ah itchy

dà dà fāng fāng ài shàng ài de biǎo xiàng
大大方方 爱上爱的表象
love the appearance of the love

yū yū huí huí mí shàng mèng de mèng làng
迂迂回回 迷上梦的孟浪
who is obsessed with dreams of impulsive

yuè huāng yuè xiǎng yuè huāng
越慌 越想 越慌
the more flustered and thought

yuè yǎng yuè sāo yuè yǎng
越痒 越搔 越痒
the more flustered and the more itch


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