If you're ambitious but lazy, please watch this...

Описание к видео If you're ambitious but lazy, please watch this...

The truth...

Worksheet: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r...

⚔️HIM CLAN (free): https://t.me/+MOHWWRifqSU0NTUx
📷Instagram:   / cuhdood  

Title copied from @atomiumjae

If this is your first time here, my name’s Luke, and one year ago, I was lying on my bathroom floor after relapsing in all my addictions.

Vape, masturbation, weed, and social media were all crippling me, and as an ambitious young man, I felt terrible.

I wanted to accomplish great things in life, and I knew I was capable of achieving them - yet I could never manage to take massive action on my goals.

No matter how many self-improvement/business videos I watched…
No matter the methods I used…
No matter how many times I tried…
My attempts would always end in me relapsing again and being lazy asf.

But on this particular night, I had a realization.

No self-improvement or business influencer had done sh*t for me.

So instead, I had to take matters into my own hands.

I had to research on my own, try different methods, and isolate myself to contact God for answers.

It took me 6 months of dedicating my life to research on how to get the trait that, if gotten, would make every man unstoppable: discipline.

Finally, the step-by-step blueprint was complete.

An overpowered plan that would turn any ambitious but lazy young man into a hard working motherfucker. Pieces of this plan are shared on this channel.

Implementing it changed everything. I quit all my addictions with ease, and I turned into the hard-working person I am today, becoming the man I’ve always wanted to be.


Let’s be real - your discipline level is the only thing holding you back.

If you violently attacked your work, going hard and long every day, your goals would basically be guaranteed.

I’ve done this, and have helped countless other men do the same. Quit addictions, make money online, get the physique they want.

And you’re next.

Mission statement: Guarantee goals for young men by giving them out-of-this-world discipline.


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