New Lexus ES 350 Comfortable And Upscale

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From that modern gauge design to the classic shifter, Lexus has a finger on the pulse of the older luxury driver:

This shifter reminds me of cars I drove many years ago and after all the weird dials, knobs, and pushbuttons, there’s something satisfying about a big, comfortable shift knob and stick, even if it is an automatic and therefore not something you’ll be changing too often. The cup holders are also big and very well positioned, another important aspect in a modern vehicle design. I mean, you’ve gotta put that venti Frappuccino somewhere, right?

Stepping outside of the vehicle, I found the trunk serviceable but a bit smaller than expected:

You can fold down the back seat and get more space, as needed, but only within the limited center portion: The rest is pretty well sealed up as is obvious in the photo. Enough for a trip to Costco? Yes, as long as you’re not doing your pre-apocalypse stock-up, in which case your banged up F-150 might be a better choice. Enough for an outdoor adventure with bikes, skis, or even mountain climbing gear and big backpacks? No, but that’s not really the intended use of the vehicle for most drivers anyway.

Given that the 2024 Lexus ES 350 F-Sport Handling is the largest of their mid-size sedans, it’s clear that Lexus still sees itself as manufacturing sedans for smaller families. Adults in the back seat? It’ll be tight:

If you have a big crew an SUV might be a better choice anyway, but sitting in the back felt a bit like being in the budget seats on a hopper flight, rarely something to anticipate with joy and the expectation of comfort.

Overall, however, while I felt that the fuel efficiency was lacking, the ES 350 is sleek and beautiful, comfortable, and a terrific drive with plenty of oomph in sport mode. I will also say that the design of the seat and the support post was smart, making getting in and out of the vehicle an easier and more comfortable experience than many sedans I’ve driven in the last few years. If you’re 23 and do yoga twice daily, it’s no big deal, but for us older drivers who might be a bit less limber, a vehicle designed for ingress and egress is much appreciated.


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