Our Birth Story

Описание к видео Our Birth Story

After an hour of pushing, Adelaide Rosella was born at 4:52am. ♥️

The nurses laid her on my chest as she stared into my eyes. Austin and I were in complete shock at how alert she was!

Moments after meeting our daughter, she unfortunately had to be whisked away because she wasn’t crying. We later learned that she inhaled amniotic fluid on her way into the world. This was a very scary time & we started to pray, asking God to help her make it through.

After what seemed like an eternity, the nurses announced that she was ok— and actually extremely healthy. Praise God!

Adelaide and mama enjoyed some much needed skin-to-skin time, and Austin and I instantly became obsessed with our precious daughter. ♥️🥰

#birthstory #babysbirthday #firsttimeparents #positivebirthstories #motherhoodjourney


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