Gorod Krovi Full Solo Easter Egg Speed Run

Описание к видео Gorod Krovi Full Solo Easter Egg Speed Run

goal was to beat one hour so im happy with this, shopping free gobblegum is slightly OP like the rest, and the reward for doing this easter egg 0_0 they should limit the quick revives atleast haha
thanks for watching !

it makes it ALOT easier when you use the danger closest gobblegum for boss fight but slower
this might have been the first time i completed the easter egg as you can see by the trophy :P
one thing i dont understand is why round 3 didnt end during the groph module it was so slow..

(i tested going down 22 times and getting revive first go everytime)

im not sure if i would have went down and noticed my perks didnt go if it wasnt for    / thelondonproject   and   / massaiwarrior  
my links
  / ilstevell  
  / ilsteveil  
  / ilsteveil  

gorod krovi full easter egg solo speed run


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