4 methods of rose budding | Rose bud Grafting | best grafting methods

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4 methods of rose budding | Rose bud Grafting | best grafting methods
Welcome! In this video I have applied 4 methods of budding on a rose plant, I have grafted four colours of roses on this plant to prepare a multicolor rose plant, these methods of bud Grafting of rose plant is easiest to do and gives 100 percent success rate...

1:- I budding
2:- Chip budding
3:- T budding
4:- Inverted T budding

Summer (June, July and August) is the best season for doing these types of bud Grafting on roses and other fruit plants...

Materials needed:-
Budding knife, cutter, grafting tape or polythene straps, healthy buds...

*Remove the piece of wood from the bud to get good result...
*When the buds starts growth, then remove the Grafting tape so that it can't girdle the stem...
*Do budding at the same height on all branches...

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   / Канал  

How to graft rose plant
Rose budding methods
Graft rose plant
Rose bud Grafting
Multiple coloured rose plants
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#rosebudding #rosebudgrafting ##grafting #budgrafting


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