2021 New HSK 3.0 HSK 1 Vocabulary Part 1 | 新HSK 3.0 HSK 1级生词 | HSK New Words For Beginners

Описание к видео 2021 New HSK 3.0 HSK 1 Vocabulary Part 1 | 新HSK 3.0 HSK 1级生词 | HSK New Words For Beginners

#NewHSK1Vocabulary #HSK3.0Level1 #신HSK3.0단어

Totally there are 500 new words in New HSK 1 Vocabulary list.
It will be divided it into 4 parts. This is the first part.
Please first look at the word without Pinyin hint, think it over by yourself, and then listen to the teacher's pronunciation and look at the meaning.
This is much helpful for you to really memorize the word with the character and its meaning.
This is the full New HSK standard PDF.
Please don't use it for commercial purposes.
HSK 1 vocabulary list is from page 36 to page 42.


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