I’m 5 Years Cancer-Free: What I’ve Learned (Top Tips for Other Patients) | Stephanie’s Story

Описание к видео I’m 5 Years Cancer-Free: What I’ve Learned (Top Tips for Other Patients) | Stephanie’s Story

It’s been 5 years since I was told I was NED or No Evidence of Disease with my cancer and to celebrate that (also as part of Blood Cancer Awareness Month), I’ve put together a very personal sort of video diary with my top lessons/tips learned since the non-Hodgkin lymphoma diagnosis (diffuse large b-cell lymphoma, specifically primary mediastinal, with double expressor). My hope is that my documented ups and downs will resonate with some of you out there and be something helpful to you at the time you watch it.

I’m grateful I’ve been able to meet and befriend such incredible people throughout building The Patient Story, and to all of you who’ve left feedback on the impact and what you’d like to see more. While I can’t get back to everyone (it’s so busy I’m skipping meals - not good haha), I want to express my thanks for every single comment.

I hope you consider joining our free, members-only community (www.thepatientstory.com/join) as we’re trying to build a place that is moderated, curated and rich with gold content for cancer patients, care partners, and caregivers everywhere. After you've registered, click in the upper right hand "FORUM," and you will be able to see our members-only content.

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