Modern Motherhood with Parent Coach Genie Albina - Season 2 Episode 16

Описание к видео Modern Motherhood with Parent Coach Genie Albina - Season 2 Episode 16

This Mother's Day we have a conversation with Parent Coach Genie Albina, where we delved into the multifaceted nature of motherhood and the significance of diverse maternal figures in our lives. Genie, known for her insights into parenting dynamics, offered profound perspectives on how various individuals can fulfill maternal roles and the evolving nature of listening in the context of upbringing.

Parents do all the things–nurse the wounds, soothe the big feelings, make the snacks, organize the play dates, email the teachers and so much more. To keep parenting at their best, or to help parents get back on track, they deserve the space and time to recharge their own parenting batteries. This is where coaching comes in. Parents bring their family’s challenges and strengths to the table and Genie will bring her expertise in child development, education and parenting to engage in conversations that will draw out inner resources and help parents plan a path toward the future they want for their family.

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