Q&A: Civil Marriage, Soul & Day Trading (HaRav Yitzchak Breitowitz)

Описание к видео Q&A: Civil Marriage, Soul & Day Trading (HaRav Yitzchak Breitowitz)

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00:00 What is the relationship between the Sanhedrin and the Men of the Great Assembly?

12:27 What are the issues with recognizing civil marriages?

28:50 Why not make the blessings of shofar during the repetition of Mussaf if those are the mitzvah?

31:11 What is the purpose in the creation of subjective and objective repulsions?

35:44 Does shoresh neshama have to be positive phenomena?

45:38 Why do some mishnayos repeat between tractates?

47:36 Do we stand for a Rav during another Rav's shiur?

50:09 Why are there so many days without Tachanun, and why is it without prostration?

55:36 Why do kiruv rabbis argue against evolution instead of explaining the compatibility with the Torah?

1:04:14 How do we explain preserved humans dating before supposed year zero?

1:07:21 Is it permissible to work as a day trader?

1:12:46 How are we supposed to emulate God's anger?

1:19:45 How do we connect to the Biblical preoccupation with avoiding and combating avodah zarah?

1:24:51 Did the sea split for Yosef's bones or Nachshon ben Aminadav?

1:27:18 What is the source of the segulah to put havdalah wine all over the body?

What did Vashti do that was so evil?

How do we understand the idea of one language before Bavel?

How did life get to America after the Flood?

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