High Standards - A Critical Element in the Clean Cooking Sector | Kristy Moore

Описание к видео High Standards - A Critical Element in the Clean Cooking Sector | Kristy Moore

Kristy Moore is a leading authority on motor fuel quality, regulatory, safety, and environmental aspects, specializing in renewable and alternative fuels. Kristy is well known and respected throughout the industry for her depth of knowledge and expertise on gasoline and gasoline-ethanol blends. She is continuously developing opportunities for increased renewable fuel and chemical usage in domestic and global markets.
Very active in ASTM International, she chairs the DO2 petroleum products, liquid fuels, and lubricants subcommittee 93 on international standards and related activities and chairs a subcommittee in committee E48 bioenergy and industrial chemicals from biomass. On today's show, Kristy lends her insight on standards to inform us about the world of standards in general and why they are important, especially in regard to how critical they are for the nascent bioethanol cooking industry. She will also share some of her firsthand experience helping to shape and implement the current bioethanol cooking fuel standard through ASTM and her optimism for the future of the sector. Get excited about standards and their impact by listening to Kristy's passion and expertise.


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