Daniel Wallace — The Basics of New Testament Textual Criticism

Описание к видео Daniel Wallace — The Basics of New Testament Textual Criticism

Dr. Daniel Wallace’s highly recommended video course on New Testament textual criticism—there's really no better resource for learning about textual criticism. Textual Criticism remains today as one of the most overlooked disciplines in Biblical studies. In this collection, Dr. Daniel B. Wallace of the Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts (CSNTM) teaches people from the lay to the scholarly level about the basic principles and practices of New Testament Textual Criticism (NTTC). Dr. Wallace defines New Testament Textual Criticism and discusses topics like identifying textual variants, categorizing manuscripts, and interpreting the available evidence.

• What is New Testament Textual Criticism
• An Embarrassment of Riches
• The Practice of NT Textual Criticism Pt. 1 External Evidence
• The Practice of NT Textual Criticism Pt. 2 Internal Evidence
• External & Internal Evidence Combined Revelation 1:4
• External & Internal Evidence Matthew 27:16–17
• Another Textual Problem Romans 5:1
• Defining a Textual Variant
• The Number of Textual Variants
• The Nature of Textual Variants
• The Classification of NT Manuscripts by their Contents
• Categories of Greek NT Manuscripts
• Categories of Non-Greek Witnesses to the NT
• The Value and Problems with the Versions
• The Value and Problems of Church Fathers

• Update on the First-Century Manuscript of the Gospel of Mark–
It’s Not First-Century (May 23, 2018). Dan Wallace responds on
(formerly) ‘First-Century Mark’ manuscript: http://evangelicaltextualcriticism.bl...

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