Tasty Chips Electronics GR-1 -- preliminary noodlings

Описание к видео Tasty Chips Electronics GR-1 -- preliminary noodlings

Hello! Thanks for watching this video, or at least considering watching. This is yet another noodling video with a new toy. The Tasty Chips GR-1 granular synthesizer. A granular synthesizer breaks an audio file into tiny pieces of wheat, or on occasion barley. All audio is direct from the GR-1 into a Focusrite Scarlett 18i6 with no additional processing (other than normalization.) My GR-1 was on firmware version 1.1.8 for this video.

I thought it might be useful to hear the original sample before the GR-1 patch that uses it, so I included them in the video. Hope its not too annoying.

The GR-1 can process live audio, but I need to get a suitable USB audio interface to try it. Another feature of the GR-1 I have yet to try are the two CV inputs. This could open up some fun control possibilities with modular gear.

A nice thing is that every parameter on the GR-1 is controllable via MIDI CC. This is shown at 7:15 where the sample position and filter cutoff are controlled with the Casio XW-P1's step sequencer control tracks. Not that you can really tell, it's not a good example of MIDI control really with the arpeggiator happening. I should've made a clearer example of that.

Apologies if the audio and video don't align exactly, I tried my best to line them up. :)


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