I went alone to The Bushcraft Show 2023 - It did not disappoint.

Описание к видео I went alone to The Bushcraft Show 2023 - It did not disappoint.

The Bushcraft Show 2023 did not disappoint.
Amazing people passing on their skills via workshops..
I was humbled by learning flintknapping with ‪@WillLordPrehistoricSurvival‬ - insanely difficult to do!
Will was a great teacher, making it fun rather than frustrating.
‪@memmathecavewoman7138‬ ran a workshop on stripping down a dear leg and using all the parts - this felt absolutely awesome to learn!
I am still working on turning the leg bone into a harpoon head, so keep an eye out for that on my instagram outdoorsannie
I also learned how to use a hand drill, bow drill and friction to light fire - admittedly skills I had never tried before.
Had chats with some amazing people (sadly losing the audio for some of them 😩 - sorry ‪@willslockforge‬ ).
‪@JourneymanHandcraft‬ - lovely lad making absolutely incredibly kit!

I restocked on all the essentials - catapult.
And a ton of other irresistable bits and pieces.

Awesome weekend - awesome people.


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