ES6 Tutorial #2: var, let and const | Variable Scope | Modern Javascript 2021

Описание к видео ES6 Tutorial #2: var, let and const | Variable Scope | Modern Javascript 2021

ES6 Tutorial #2: var, let and const | Variable Scope | Modern Javascript 2021.

let and const are 2 keywords that are added in ES6 to declare variables.
In ES5 var keyword is used but some issue are attached with var because only function can create a scope when we use var, anything inside function is private and anything outside function is global and block don't create scope in ES5 which leads to issue because sometime data may override our variable.
So to control the accessibility of our data ES6 introduced let and const which allow you to create block scope.
Now in ES6 unlike ES5 we can't redeclare a variable with same name and we can't use the variable before declaring it.

On other hand const are similar to let , the only difference is const are used to create read only values, which can't change.

There is one practice question at time , so take a look and comment me your answer.

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