£1m pension pot - how long does it last?

Описание к видео £1m pension pot - how long does it last?

what level of income (index linked) would a £1m pension pot deliver?

To optimise your finances in retirement go to

The 4% rule would suggest £40k income for 30 years with a 95% success rate on an equity / bond portfolio, but it ignores taxes and the state pension. The closer you are to state pension age, the more the impact of the state pension offsets income tax.

What is the maximum amount you can have in a pension without paying 40% marginal income tax or leaving too much money on the table in old age?

What if you varied the amount taken so you had more money in the early years - what would that look like?

00:00 4% rule outlined
01:01 Model assumptions retiring at age 57
01:41 Wealth in retirement
02:05 Investment returns vs expenditure
02:47 Sources of income
03:03 Income tax and marginal tax rate
03:40 Worries in retirement, inflation and taxation
04:02 Use Flexible Access Drawdown and take more tax free cash upfront
05:16 Glide path of your wealth over time
06:22 A retirement calculator ensures you don't run out of money


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