Anne of the Island (version 2) by Lucy Maud MONTGOMERY read by Karen Savage | Full Audio Book

Описание к видео Anne of the Island (version 2) by Lucy Maud MONTGOMERY read by Karen Savage | Full Audio Book

Anne of the Island (version 2) by Lucy Maud MONTGOMERY (1874 - 1942)
Genre(s): General Fiction, Romance

Read by: Karen Savage in English

00:00:00 - 01 - The Shadow of Change
00:14:13 - 02 - Garlands of Autumn
00:26:58 - 03 - Greeting and Farewell
00:37:30 - 04 - April's Lady
00:58:50 - 05 - Letters from Home
01:11:42 - 06 - In the Park
01:22:25 - 07 - Home Again
01:36:06 - 08 - Anne's First Proposal
01:44:13 - 09 - An Unwelcome Lover and a Welcome Friend
01:57:07 - 10 - Patty's Place
02:09:52 - 11 - The Round of Life
02:24:22 - 12 - 'Averil's Atonement'
02:36:03 - 13 - The Way of Transgressors
02:51:23 - 14 - The Summons
03:04:53 - 15 - A Dream Turned Upside Down
03:12:13 - 16 - Adjusted Relationships
03:30:20 - 17 - A Letter from Davy
03:35:19 - 18 - Miss Josepine Remembers the Anne-girl
03:44:19 - 19 - An Interlude
03:49:57 - 20 - Gilbert Speaks
03:58:31 - 21 - Roses of Yesterday
04:04:50 - 22 - Spring and Anne Return to Green Gables
04:11:55 - 23 - Paul Cannot Find the Rock People
04:18:10 - 24 - Enter Jonas
04:26:34 - 25 - Enter Prince Charming
04:36:18 - 26 - Enter Christine
04:42:05 - 27 - Mutual Confidences
04:50:37 - 28 - A June Evening
04:58:03 - 29 - Diana's Wedding
05:04:13 - 30 - Mrs Skinner's Romance
05:10:06 - 31 - Anne to Philippa
05:14:37 - 32 - Tea with Mrs Douglas
05:22:43 - 33 - 'He Just Kept Coming and Coming'
05:28:07 - 34 - John Douglas Speaks at Last
05:35:59 - 35 - The Last Redmond Year Opens
05:46:44 - 36 - The Gardners' Call
05:56:00 - 37 - Full-fledged BA's
06:05:02 - 38 - False Dawn
06:14:42 - 39 - Deals with Weddings
06:26:51 - 40 - A Book of Revelation
06:34:43 - 41 - Love Takes Up the Glass of Time

Anne is off to Redmond College! She will spend the next three years living and learning, making new friends, and deepening old friendships.Other books in this series by this reader:Anne of Green GablesAnne of Avonlea\Anne's House of DreamsRainbow ValleyRilla of Ingleside

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