Flexe Meiden Casefilm (English) | KRO-NCRV

Описание к видео Flexe Meiden Casefilm (English) | KRO-NCRV

🌟 Check out Flexe Meiden - The TikTok Series now, specially created for the Week against Bullying! 🌟

Roxy, a notorious bully, reveals a hidden secret in the unique 4-part TikTok series that seamlessly connects to the popular YouTube series: Flexe Meiden. On TikTok, viewers see a different side of Roxy, a side that was bullied. Thousands of messages of support and understanding poured in to show support for Roxy and other bullied individuals.
This thrilling series offers a surprising perspective on bullying: why do people bully others?

The series can be watched on both TikTok and YouTube Shorts.

Episode 1:    • Zou jij iemand filmen die struikelt? ...  
Episode 2:    • Roxy's telefoon is kapot gestampt 😱 W...  
Episode 3:    • Waarom moeten ze ALTIJD Roxy pesten? ...  
Episode 4:    • Zou jij naar een andere school gaan a...  


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