Democratic Crossroads: The Future of Liberal Democracy

Описание к видео Democratic Crossroads: The Future of Liberal Democracy

Online Talk with Francis Fukuyama and Dr. Tobias Endler & Public Screening. U.S. democracy is exposed to unprecedented tensions: social polarization, disenchantment with politics, growing economic inequality, dealing with climate change, migration, and a general mistrust in institutions are affecting public opinion and are strengthening anti-democratic forces and voices in the country. As a response to these problems, the big question and fear is whether the USA, like so many political systems around the world, is moving into a so-called "democratic backsliding". So what is the state of democracy in the country that has been regarded as a political role model in the world for over a century? Are we witnessing a “US-only phenomenon” here? And what impact will the result of the presidential election have on this long-standing trend?

Yoshihiro Francis Fukuyama is an American political scientist and Director of the Center for Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies at Stanford University, where he also directs the Master's program in International Politics. His research interests include developing countries, nation building, democratization, governance, international political economy and security issues. Fukuyama has commented on the most important issues in recent world politics and has established himself as a liberal thinker.

Moderation: Dr. Tobias Endler

In English

Location: Livestream online via or Public Screening in the d.a.i. hall

Admission: free

You can follow all events in the "Democratic Crossroads" series live at the d.a.i. either as a hybrid event from the d.a.i. hall or as a livestream on our big screen. Experience the U.S. election on site in Tübingen and debate with us and other visitors.

In cooperation with Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Baden-Württemberg, Radio Micro-Europa, M100 Sanssouci Colloquium, Tübinger Campusmagazin Kupferblau, Freies Radio Wüste Welle, Universität Tübingen

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The d.a.i.:

00:00 Introduction
03:25 Fukuyama's Definition of Liberalism
06:36 Liberalism and Democracy
08:50 Different Meanings of Liberalism
12:23 Shortcomings of Liberalism
18:18 Is Liberalism Being Threatened by Woke Politics?
22:53 Hypocrisy of Liberalism
26:00 Recent Protests at US-Universities
27:27 Justification of Liberalism
36:40 Definition of Populism
46:00 Elites in a Society
49:40 Encourage Younger People for Politics
54:00 Role of Joe Biden for Young People
59:00 Which Issue could decide the Election
1:03:30 Foreign Policy
1:08:50 Credibility of the United States globally


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