Install Mattermost - Secure Collaboration Platform - on Linux

Описание к видео Install Mattermost - Secure Collaboration Platform - on Linux

#Mattermost #Collaboration #Linux

Full steps can be found at

What is Mattermost?
Mattermost is a secure collaboration platform for accelerating mission-critical collaborative work. The platform is built to meet the custom needs of technical and operational teams in rigorous and complex environments, including government, defense, and critical infrastructure. Mattermost gives organizations full control over their data with self-hosted and private deployment options and access to the source code. -
   01. Log into the Linux device
   02. Run the following commands in terminal
         update software repositories
         sudo apt update
         install available software updates
         sudo apt upgrade
         install prerequisites
         sudo apt install wget git apt-transport-https -y
         install postgresql
         sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-client -y
         enable the postgresql service and start it
         sudo systemctl enable postgresql --now
         connect to postgresql
         sudo -u postgres psql postgres
         create mattermost database user
         create user mattermost_rw with password 'Matt3rM0st';
         create mattermost database
         create database mattermost with encoding='UTF8' template='template0' owner='mattermost_rw';
         close postgresql connection
         create mattermost user
         sudo useradd -mrd /opt/mattermost mattermost -s "$(which bash)"
         create /opt/mattermost directory
         sudo mkdir /opt/mattermost -p
         set owner of /opt/mattermost
         sudo chown mattermost:mattermost /opt/mattermost -R
         switch to mattermost user
         sudo su - mattermost
         fetch the latest download URL
         regex='(https:\/\/releases\.mattermost\.com\/[^/]*\/mattermost-[^/]*-linux-amd64\.tar\.gz)' && response=$(curl && [[ $response =~ $regex ]] && downloadURL="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
         download mattermost
         wget -O /tmp/mattermost.tar.gz $downloadURL
         extract the download
         tar -xvzf /tmp/mattermost.tar.gz -C /opt/mattermost --strip-component 1
         backup config json file
         cp /opt/mattermost/config/config.json /opt/mattermost/config/config.json.orig
         edit config.json
         nano /opt/mattermost/config/config.json
   03. Set the SiteURL value
         "SiteURL": "http://debian.local",
   04. Scroll down to find the SqlSettings configuration, update the DataSource value as follows
         "DataSource": "postgres://mattermost_rw:Matt3rM0st@localhost/mattermost?sslmode=disable\u0026connect_timeout=10\u0026binary_parameters=yes",
   05. Press CTRL+O, Enter, CTRL+X to write the changes
Running Mattermost as a Service
   01. Back in the Terminal, continue with the following commands
         exit the mattermost user shell
         create mattermost service file
         sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/mattermost.service
   02. Paste the following into mattermost.service
   03. Press CTRL+O, Enter, CTRL+X to write the changes
   04. Continue with the following commands
         reload systemd services
         sudo systemctl daemon-reload
         start mattermost service on boot and now
         sudo systemctl enable mattermost --now
   05. Open a web browser and navigate to http://DNSorIP:8065
   06. Click the View in Browser button
   07. Complete the form to create an account
   08. Enter an Organization Name ≫ Click Continue
   09. Complete the remaining prompts or choose to skip
   10. Welcome to Mattermost

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