Jay Shetty Exposed | Analysis by Ex & Mental Health Professional

Описание к видео Jay Shetty Exposed | Analysis by Ex & Mental Health Professional

Misinforming the public on mental health issues is a problem. Vulnerable people seek support via life coaching, therapy and psychiatry and they should access correct information.

The Guardian published an article about Jay Shetty’s background and credentials that I went on the record with a statement around his advice.

Here are the reasons why I said it.

#jayshetty #jayshettyquotes #lifecoaching #theguardian #life-coach

0:01 - intro
4:50 - Querying his credentials
10:20 - Content on website


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Joint TikTok with husband Bhima-Karma: @saragrahi_
YouTube with husband Bhima-Karma:‪@saragrahi-seekingtheessenc5930‬


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