Cinema 4D Tutorial - Cracked Textures (Octane Render)

Описание к видео Cinema 4D Tutorial - Cracked Textures (Octane Render)

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Software package required:

Cinema 4D (ANY VERSION) & Octane Render (ANY VERSION)

Octane Render's mix material "amount" value can be used very easily to bridge between two textures when you feed it information to use (greyscale values) Today we'll be using cracks to create a cool cracked marble effects. Although, you can use many textures to your hearts delight and I'll link a few below :)

(Assets For This Tutorial)

Marble -

Cracks (the one I used in this tut + more) -

Crack Texture (original) -

(^Any Work Inquiries or any questions in general^)

cinema 4d, octane tutorial, cinema 4d tutorial, cracked texture, octane render tutorial, c4d, c4d octane, octane tutorial cinema 4d, procedural, procedural textures


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