【FGO】Charlemagne 3T | Road to 7 LB6: Super Recollection Quest - Morgan

Описание к видео 【FGO】Charlemagne 3T | Road to 7 LB6: Super Recollection Quest - Morgan

Charlie keeping the rule of cool alive, waltzing into Camelot and taking down Super Morgan! "かっこいい!" ("kakkoii!")
It became a battle of wits, so to speak. Morgan's passive 20% debuff resistance along with the NPC hack skill allowing her to remove 2 debuffs from self at the start of every turn was a pain. :skull:
Got my payback at the start of T3 where Charlie's passive 20% debuff resistance guarded the Attack Damage Down & the Star Gain Down. :woah:
I got the kill with the extra attack on the Charlie NPQQ brave chain by just ~99 HP. :sweat:

I have much to say about the different comps and ways I tried to go about it, the card RNG, targeting RNG, damage rolls, and finally all of the debuffs resisted by Morgan from CCs and the T3 quick res down, ree! But alas, that made this description way too long with narrative. Feel free to ask on discord or in the comments though, if curious!

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Road to 7 | Lostbelt No.6 - Fae Round Table Domain, Avalon le Fae
Chapter 24 Progress Level 4 Super Recollection Quest (2/3) - Morgan
Charlemagne 3T

Road to 7 |ロストベルト6のリコレクションクエスト
第24節 進行度4 ス(2/3) - モルガン
シャルルマーニュ 3T

#fatego #fgo #fategrandorder #fgota #fgona #charlemagne #3T


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