The Untold Truth Of The Stanford Prison Experiment

Описание к видео The Untold Truth Of The Stanford Prison Experiment

The Stanford Prison Experiment is one of the most infamous science experiments of all time. The psychological experiment, which took place in 1971, saw Stanford students take on the roles of prisoners and guards in a mock prison.

The goal was to see how the students would treat each other when they had power dynamics assigned to them, but the experiment ended up teaching us more about society than anyone could have expected, which led to it being shut down early.

From the planning that went into it to the effects it had on the students, let’s take a look at the untold truth of the Stanford Prison Experiment.

#Truth #History #Experiment

The experiment begins | 0:00
Welcome to prison | 1:08
The prisoners rebel | 2:00
Prisoner #8612 loses his mind | 2:46
Meet John Wayne | 3:31
Things fall apart | 4:42
Aftermath | 6:06

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