Ferrero rolat za Josipov rođendan 🤎🥂🥳

Описание к видео Ferrero rolat za Josipov rođendan 🤎🥂🥳

Ferrero rolat 🤎
6 jaja
100 g smeđeg šećera
30 g tamnog kakaa
30 g glatkog bašna
1 velika žl gustina
1 mala žl praška za pecivo
180 g otopljene čokolade
2 velike žl vruće vode
Miksati pjenasto jaja i šećer dok smjesa ne postane svijetla i čvrsta, dodati suhe sastojke, lagano izmješati pjenjačom, dodati otopljenu čokoladu i na kraju vruću vodu.
Sve izliti na pleh 33x43 cm obložen pek papirom. Peći u zagrijanoj pećnici na 180* 10 min. Pečen biskvit oprezno izručiti na vlažnu krpu, ukloniti sa njega pek papir i urolati u roladu. Ohladiti.
200 g mascarponea
250 g nutelle
150 g tostiranih, oljuštenih i sjeckanih lješnjaka
Miksati krem sir i nutellu, dodati lješnjake, premazati i zarolati rolat.
Opcionalno - u sredinu možete dodati par žl čiste nutelle pomješane sa krupno sjeckanim lješnjacima ( za detalje pogledaj video-recept na @youtube kanalu @just.katebake )
Ohlađjen rolat glazirati.
200 g čokolade
3 žl ulja
50 g krupno sjeckanih lješnjaka
Na pari otopiti čokoladu i ulje, dodati lješnjake i preliti sve preko ohlađenog rolata. Ukrasiti ferrero kuglicama.
#justkatebake #recept #fererrorocher

Ferrero roll-
6 eggs
100 g of brown sugar
30 g of dark cocoa
30 g of smooth flour
1 large tbsp starch
1 small tsp baking powder
180 g of melted chocolate
2 large spoons of hot water
Mix the foamy eggs and sugar until the mixture becomes light and firm, add the dry ingredients, mix gently with a whisk, add the melted chocolate and finally the hot water.
Pour everything onto a baking sheet 33x43 cm lined with baking paper.
Bake in a heated oven at 180* for 10 min.
Carefully place the baked biscuit on a damp cloth, remove the baking paper from it and roll it into a roll. Cool down.
200 g of mascarpone
250 g of Nutella
150 g of toasted, peeled and chopped hazelnuts
Mix cream cheese and nutella, add hazelnuts, spread and roll up the roll.
Optional - in the middle you can add a couple of tablespoons of pure Nutella mixed with coarsely chopped hazelnuts
(for details, see the video recipe on the @youtube channel @just.katebake)
Glaze the cooled roll.
200 g of chocolate
3 tablespoons of oil
50 g of coarsely chopped hazelnuts
Melt the chocolate and oil in steam, add the hazelnuts and pour everything over the cooled roll. Decorate with ferrero chocolates
. . #justkatebake #recipe #fererrorocher


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