Snape... it's complicated.

Описание к видео Snape... it's complicated.

Whose hard work makes your life possible?


Ah the moral ambiguity of Severus Snape. On the one hand, he is an egotistical bully who cares more about his own power in the classroom than taking care of his students. On the other hand, his loyal and life-risking contributions to the Order of the Phoenix often go unseen and unappreciated. In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, the truth of Snape’s character continues to be both unveiled and obfuscated.

Harry Potter and the Sacred Text is a weekly podcast reading Harry Potter, the best-selling series of all time, as if it was a sacred text. We believe that reading fiction doesn’t just help us escape the world, it helps us live in it.

Season six, on Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, launches on July 25, 2019.

Animation: Hannah O'Neal
Writers: Vanessa Zoltan, Casper ter Kuile
Voiced by: Casper ter Kuile


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