This video is about why / what are the best Math dot flashcards/materials used to teach your baby math using the Glenn Doman method/system (early learning program) and how to teach your baby math.
Below is the list of Glenn Doman math flashcard kit/right brain math/Glenn Doman materials:
1. Dots flashcards (Quantity recognition).
2. Dots Equation flashcards (Dots, in addition, subtraction and multiplication).
3. Numerals flashcards(symbols representing the quantity) - 123 flash cards.
4. Numeral Equation flashcards.
Learn how to teach your baby math dot cards using Glenn Doman flash cards method (bits of intelligence) and also train your baby to be intelligent.
Counting numbers for babies is easy!
#glenndomanmaterials #glenndomanmethod #glenndomanflashcards
To get more tips about how to teach Doman flash cards method and how to start, subscribe to Youtube channel.
Also, check out our other right brain baby flash cards or toddler flash cards, PLUS Glenn Doman flash cards (encyclopedia bits of intelligence cards/encyclopedia cards, reading cards, "bits of intelligence kit", newborn kit, and math dot cards) and tips on video:
• Glenn Doman Flash Cards (Encyclopedia...
• Random Dots Flash Cards - Glenn Doman...
Also for more early learning activities for babies/toddlers you can do at home, watch this video:
• HOW TO Do Right Brain Training for Ba... (Right Brain Activities For your Baby/Toddler)
If you are looking for Doman math flashcards kit for sale/buy, visit us:
PS. The Right Brain Education Library is a baby/toddler learning program with a complete resource of flash cards for your baby/toddler using Doman's method program based on his books and theories. From math, reading to the encyclopedia flash cards and many other materials.
Discover more about Glenn Doman materials (bits of intelligence), method, and curriculum (lesson plan).
Oh yes, just to let you know...
The library also has Spanish, Russian, French, Japanese and Mandarin language flashcards for your child's early learning at home. Glenn Doman also highly encourages you to teach your child other languages.
The channel is about how to raise a smarter baby and bring out the potential of your child using the right brain education method (Glenn Doman, Shichida and Heguru Method).
Subscribe to our channel or visit our website.
"Learning math is not just learning to count. It is increasing your child's intelligence.”
Quote by, Professor Glenn Doman, How to Teach to Your Baby Math
The first step of how to teach your child math is by using the "Math Dots" method.
Dots are used to teach your child how to recognise numbers and learn to count.
What is the best age to start?
According to Professor Glenn Doman, you can start your baby at the age of 3 months old.
"It is easier to teach a one-year-old any set of facts than it is to teach a seven-year-old”
Quote by, Professor Glenn Doman, How to Teach Your Baby Math
What are Math Dots Cards?
Also known as "right brain math flashcards." There are 2 types of dot flash cards. Quantity flash cards and other is numeral flash cards.
"Numerals" are symbols like 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. "Quantity" is an actual number of objects like the red dots on the flash cards.
Why / How to teach your child?
Your approach when teaching your child:
You must treat every math lesson as fun and joyous. Learning must be FUN and not work or a chore.
2. The type of materials you use: Glenn Doman math kit (How to teach your baby math) can come in the form of physical cards
or CD ROM.
The first lesson on dots is quantity recognition.
Then you show the equations. Equations consist of addition, subtraction, and multiplication dots flash cards.
After dots flash cards, you can introduce the numbers or numerals math flash cards.
Glenn Doman Method is taught by parents around the world: Glenn Doman/جلين دومان/格伦·多曼/Гленн Доман/
ग्लेन डोमन
Indonesia, Singapore, India, Malaysia, Philippines, Hong Kong, Australia, Europe, USA, UK, Vietnam, UAE, etc.
For recommended books in pdf by,
Right Brain Pregnancy Manual
Right Brain Education Guide (All you need to know about right brain education for your baby)
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