Are You a JEDI or SITH? | Official QUIZ and CANON Explanation

Описание к видео Are You a JEDI or SITH? | Official QUIZ and CANON Explanation

Are you a Jedi or are you a Sith? This quiz will help determine what side of the force you most align with.

While the choice to follow the light or the dark is ultimately yours alone, this quiz might be able to help you figure out what path to follow. The light and the dark constitute two schools of thought but many different variations. Jedi Consular, Jedi Guardian, and Jedi Sentinel are the paths that most Jedi follow, while the Sith have Warriors and Sorcerers to do their bidding. This quiz will not tell you the rank within your order like Jedi Master or Dark Lord of the Sith.

The quiz questions are listed below:

1. What is the greatest gift you can give?
0 – Peace
1 – Knowledge
2 – Time
3 – Money
4 – Nothing

2. You need something out of a locked chest. What do you do?
0 – Walk away
1 – Look for a key
2 – Ask for someone to help
3 – Try to lift the lid open
4 – Smash it open

3. What would you change about yourself?
0 – Nothing
1 – to be healthier
2 – to be faster
3 – to be stronger
4 – To be better looking

4. Two friends are fighting. What do you do?
0 – turn away from the fight and avoid conflict
1 – Tell them to stop
2 – Jump in and break it up
3 – Jump in and beat them both down

5. Where does true power comes from?
0 – from inner peace
1 – from serving others
2 – from knowledge
3 – from wealth
4 – from rising above others

6. You have just inherited a large amount of money. What do you do?
0 – give it all to the less fortunate
1 – provide for those who depend on you
2 – live the rest of your life in comfort
3 – use it to acquire more wealth
4 – use it to acquire more power

7. What is justice?
0 – The universe balancing itself
1 – Righting wrongs
2 – Fairness under the law
3 – compensation for the innocent
4 – Punishment for those that do wrong

8. A stranger is hurt on the side of the road. What do you do?
0 – Stop and help them
1 – Go and get someone who can help
2 – Keep walking and ignore them. You have more important things to do.
3 – Take whatever they have of value and move on

9. Harmony is achieved when…?
0 – when you are at peace with yourself
1 – when the energy of the universe flows uninterrupted
2 – when light and dark are one
3 – when there is balance in your immediate world
4 – when there is no one else to challenge you

10. You don’t know the answer to a very important question. What do you do?
0 – Leave and return when you know the truth
1 – Ask for help from someone wiser
2 – trust your instincts and guess
3 – Lie and say you know it, no matter the consequences

11. The greatest gift one can receive is…?
0 – Nothing
1 – Peace
2 – Knowledge
3 – Time
4 – Money

The alignments are, Jedi Consular, Jedi Sentinel, Jedi Guardian, Gray Jedi, Dark Jedi, Sith Warrior, and Sith Sorcerer.

Let me know what you guys got in the comments below!

Also, I know this video took a long time to make, but I do enjoy these quiz videos and am planning on releasing more! Let me know if there is another quiz that you would like to take and I'll see if I can make it happen.

Also, don't forget to like the video and subscribe!

And remember to forever be a Star Wars fan!


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