AI Drone Simulator | GamePlay PC

Описание к видео AI Drone Simulator | GamePlay PC

AI Drone Simulator is an FPV drone simulator.
Start from an existing drone Model, or place a BlackBox file in the game and fly your own FPV drone in races or free flight on a variety of maps.

Drone Model and settings extraction form a BlackBox file, in a few clicks.
Or start from an existing drone model from top pilots.
Many beautiful maps, from forest to cities to factories.
Chase cars, enter moving trains or power loop small tree gaps : everything is allowed with millimetre collision accuracy.
Time Attack mode.
Ghosts, in race and time attack mode.
Track editor: Simple and powerful. Design any track on any map!
Flexible and easy Controller setup. Any controller recognized by Windows should work, but a real radio transmitter is highly recommended.
Support radio transmitters compatible with PC.
The Drone Models, extracted or presets, are easy to use, but fully customizable for the expert pilot : AI should be at the service of humans, not the other way around !
Everything is customizable, even the gravity !

Core i5-4690K (4400 Ghz)
Asus Sabertooth Z97 Mark 2
16 Gb TEAM DDR3-2400 2x8GB
27"AOC e2795Vh


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