What If an Alien Satellite Appears In Earth's Sky? | Unveiled

Описание к видео What If an Alien Satellite Appears In Earth's Sky? | Unveiled

UFOs spotted! First Contact is here! But, what happens next?? Join us... and find out!

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What would you do if you saw a genuine alien spaceship? In this video, Unveiled takes a closer look at how humankind will react if (or when) an alien satellite finally arrives in the sky on Earth! It's a tale of chaos, panic, fear and discovery... as we wonder whether they come in peace, or if they're here to wipe us out!

This is Unveiled, giving you incredible answers to extraordinary questions!

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0:00 Start
0:38 The Search for Alien Life
1:14 Alien Satellite on Earth
2:57 The 'Oumuamua Object
4:14 Black Knight Theory
5:14 Alien Coverup?
6:08 Earth's Greatest Moment
7:24 Conclusions

#Space #Aliens #UFO


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