Joseph F. Merrill: Divine and False Revelation – April 1941

Описание к видео Joseph F. Merrill: Divine and False Revelation – April 1941

One of the growing trends I have witnessed within the Church is the hijacking of President Nelson’s urge to Hear Him, or in other words, seek personal revelation. Despite the fact that in his April 2020 talk where he coined the phrase #HearHim President Nelson said, “We hear Him as we heed the words of prophets … intentionally hear, hearken, and heed what the Savior has said and what He is saying now through His prophets” Many within the Church have taken the banner of personal revelation and exalted it to the source of divine authority, even claiming “personal authority” from their revelations.

This talk by the Apostle, Elder Joseph F. Merrill, starts out rather uneventfully detailing the importance of Divine Revelation, but then Elder Merrill turns to the topic of False revelation and absolutely shreds the arguments of the apostate members who claim personal revelations that the prophets are fallen, or that the prophet can lead us astray. I want to share with you the whole sermon from the Conference Archives, but if you are only going to read part scroll down to the fourth section “Revelation from two sources” and read from there for his rebuking of the “dupes of the devil.” With no further introduction, here is Elder Merrill’s April 1941 talk from the conference archives:

Read the full talk at

#revelation #generalconference


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