Barsha Saikia: A Journey from Failure to ACS Success | The Dibya Jyoti Show -29

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Barsha Saikia: A Journey from Failure to ACS Success | The Dibya Jyoti Show -29

Join us on The Dibya Jyoti Show as we delve into the remarkable journey of Barsha Saikia, who transformed setbacks into stepping stones towards success. Despite facing initial failure, Barsha's determination and resilience led her to crack the APSC exam on her second attempt, ultimately achieving her dream of becoming an ACS officer. Prepare to be inspired as we uncover the lessons learned and the motivation behind Barsha's incredible achievement.

#SuccessStory #Motivation #Inspiration #FailureToSuccess #APSCExam #ACSOfficer #Resilience #Determination #TheDibyaJyotiShow #ExploreWithDibyaJyoti #BarshaSaikia


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