How to Bring Balance to The Universe?

Описание к видео How to Bring Balance to The Universe?

Our universe is made up of many different types of matter and forces. However, if we posit that everything is fundamentally unified, then these seemingly disparate objects must ultimately be unified. Yet, linking the properties of different forces and matter isn't straightforward. Quantum fluctuations tend to disrupt these relationships, causing chaos in any proposed connections. However, there is a potential solution: supersymmetry.

As it turns out, unlike basic symmetries, supersymmetry possesses superpowers. It can balance out various quantum fluctuations, allowing for the emergence of more complex relations. Furthermore, supersymmetry creates bridges that link different theories in physics, revealing unified phenomena through disparate descriptions.

Despite the absence of experimental evidence supporting supersymmetry, it continues to be one of the most promising avenues in fundamental physics.


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